Tristan Martineau

Tristan Martineau is an artist who studied visual communication, and currently centers his work around photography and contemporary art. He was born in France in 1984 and lives in Biarritz, a beautiful town on the coast of the French Basque region.

He lost an eye through an accident when he was 8 years old. This event influenced the course of his life, bringing him a special openness in his view of the world, and inviting him to develop other senses, especially his sense of touch. For this reason, he is drawn to the ancient healing art of Jin Shin Jyutsu, which he is studying. He loves offering this and other healing therapies in his work with people who live with physical challenges.

Tristan has always been interested in personal development and in learning how the spirit influences our bodies. He works with Maia Ibar in creating the Sound Bath experience offered in Living Whole immersion retreats. He is the photographer and videographer for International Integrators immersion programs, and is excited to continue his journey of discovery through his work with International Integrators, exploring new ways of living life to the fullest.