Veteran filmmaker and producer John Corry’s groundbreaking feature documentary film, Forks Over Knives, has become one of the most influential and best-selling documentaries since its premiere in 2011. His other productions on diet and disease include PlantPure Nation and The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue, both available on Netflix.
Kathryn first met John and his wife, Patty, during the filming of PlantPure Nation in 2015. She learned that John’s experience producing Forks Over Knives influenced him to change his way of eating, and eventually other family members and crew also transitioned to whole, plant-based eating.
John has been instrumental in creating PlantPure Communities, collaborating with Nelson and Kim Campbell and Dr. T. Colin Campbell to promote whole, plant-based eating and educate people about the benefits for individual health, planet health, animal health and world hunger. You can learn more in podcasts and other programs with each of them in Living Whole Online.
John’s current film project is Revelations Café: Food for the Soul. In this video clip, which is part of the full podcast, John describes his thinking as he has created and directed the film:
“If I could have five hours with people, could I just get them to at least agree to do a 10-day Jumpstart? Why would I want to do this? Because your body starts to talk to you in 10 days. It’s exciting to be able to spring out of bed or get a full night’s sleep…the joy of seeing your cholesterol drop, your blood pressure improve, your diabetes get better….”
John Corry