Veteran filmmaker and producer John Corry’s groundbreaking feature documentary film, Forks Over Knives, has become one of the most influential and best-selling documentaries since its premiere in 2011. His other productions on diet and disease include PlantPure Nation and The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue, both available on Netflix. Kathryn first met John and his wife, Patty, during the filming of PlantPure Nation in 2015. She learned that…
New outbreaks of the coronavirus pandemic and a continuing focus on racial inequities and political divisions continue to add stress to our lives. Integrative Health can help us thrive in this time of crisis and make us feel safer and more in control in our new and evolving reality. Each Saturday a group of International Integrators facilitators and other professionals…
By Kathryn Hayward MD I had the privilege of being part of the PlantPure Nation film of 2015, and am eager to share the newest project being manifested by the film’s director, Nelson Campbell, his father, Dr. T. Colin Campbell (research scientist and author of The China Study), and the PlantPure Team. Here, in Nelson’s words, is a 4-minute video…
By Nancy Coppelman Seventeen years ago, I had the good fortune to fall into Kathryn Hayward’s hands. My gynecologist recommended her, thinking we would get along nicely. In retrospect, it was the beginning of a beautiful relationship, initially a fairly conventional one of doctor and patient. It was evident from the beginning that Kathryn was a truly caring professional with…