Veteran filmmaker and producer John Corry’s groundbreaking feature documentary film, Forks Over Knives, has become one of the most influential and best-selling documentaries since its premiere in 2011. His other productions on diet and disease include PlantPure Nation and The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue, both available on Netflix. Kathryn first met John and his wife, Patty, during the filming of PlantPure Nation in 2015. She learned that…
By Kathryn Hayward, MD “Imagine waking up in the morning, searching for the pain and it’s not there.” ~Anna Forliti Lockdowns started to ease in May, and we began offering Living Whole Online programs to help people through the continuing pain of this pandemic. We are a growing community of people interested in Integrative Health who are exploring ways to…
By Kathryn Hayward, MD, Mag. Ursula Peer and David L. Thomas, Jr., JD In these stressful times of pandemic and worldwide cultural and political division, our challenge is to care for ourselves. There is no vaccine or treatment that has been shown to help prevent or treat COVID-19 and the divisive environment in which we find ourselves can feel overwhelming….
The coronavirus pandemic and a renewed focus on racial inequities continue to cause us additional stress. Integrative Health can help us thrive in this time of crisis and adjust to our new and evolving reality. Each Saturday a group of International Integrators facilitators and other professionals are providing a series of online conversations and Sound Baths. The next offerings are…
The coronavirus pandemic is seeing increases in cases in parts of the United States as the country also is focused on the racial inequities that have plagued it for centuries. Integrative Health can help us thrive in this time of crisis and in the “new normal” which continues to evolve. Each Saturday a group of International Integrators facilitators and other…
The coronavirus pandemic is entering its next phase and now the United States is consumed by the racial inequities that have plagued it for decades and centuries. Integrative Health can help us thrive in this time of crisis and in the “new normal” which inevitably will follow. Each Saturday a group of International Integrators facilitators and other professionals are providing…
As the coronavirus pandemic enters its next phase, Integrative Health can help us thrive in the “new normal” amid all the changes to which we must adjust. Now a group of International Integrators facilitators and other professionals are offering a series of online conversations and Sound Baths each Saturday starting with an inaugural Sound Bath on May 30, 2020 at…
By Kathryn Hayward, MD and David L. Thomas, Jr., JD (para leer una versión actualizada de esta entrada en español, haz clic aquí) We are writing to you from Mallorca, Spain, where we live. The Spanish government just declared a country-wide quarantine (at least 15 days) that will begin tomorrow. Spain has been guided by the experiences in Italy, South…